Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Vida en BsAs

Casa Rosada after Nestor Kirchner's wake

So, it's now my final month here in Argentina. My original plan was to go back home December 11, but after my last trip to El Calafate fell through, it made sense for me to come back December 1 because no matter what nothing can change my 5 months here and the incredible experiences I've had and people I've met. The last Thursday of October was my final Spanish class at Expanish. For our last class we went to the famous Cafe Tortoni. This grandeur cafe has beautiful stained glass ceilings with a French style and was known to have intellectuals such as Jorge Luis Borges sit around and enjoy a coffee with friends. We enjoyed a tour through the different parlors and the tango cafe and then we said goodbye to our teacher and friend, Gabby. A couple days later was Halloween and let's just say it is not at all what it is like in the States. Helen and I went to the park that day and rented some rollerblades. Portenos love rollerblading so we figured we'd join! It was tons of fun after I got used to it again after so many years of not rollerblading. Okay, back to Halloween, so we all were thinking what we could be with the clothes that we already owned. We went to a small store that appeared out of nowhere in our house that sold party decorations, wigs, masks, and devil horns! Perfect! I had a red and black dress so I was set. I made pigs in a blanket (Halloweiners) and we made some 'spooky' punch and our friends came over before we headed out for the night. Somehow we all managed to have a red and black theme going, vampire, devil, get the idea. We first went to the club that UCA's international student program planned for us, but even though they said it starts at 11 they really meant 1. How could we have forgotten?! So a German, Argentine and some U.S. kid's danced it up all alone on the dance floor for a while. After getting bored of that we hopped in a cab and headed across town to another Halloween party. There were lots of Argentines dressed up. Translation? Guys dressed as girls with fake boobs and makeup included. It was an interesting night to say the least, making creepy guys appear even creepier! Now, the next day my roommate and I had signed up for a women's 5k run. However, being that it started at 8:30 a.m. we did not make it but still managed to get our tshirts (which are AWESOME) and a free smoothie at McDonald's! 

Being intellectual at Cafe Tortoni

The past weekend, Purdy came over from Santiago for a visit! But of course, nothing ever is easy here in South America because the smaller airport that is located within the city is closed for a month, so Purdy was flying in to the bigger international airport. She was supposed to come early Friday morning and I woke up so that I could go meet her at the airport. Well, I checked her flight before I went and guess what it says? Cancelado. Not what I wanted to see and I checked the rest of the flights and none were until later that day. I was sitting at my computer diligently checking my email to see if I got any news from her because our phones weren't going through to one another. Luckily, she had found a cafe in the airport with a computer because she was in Buenos Aires! Her flight wasn't canceled, but just pushed an hour ahead. She got a cab and I met her outside my apartment building. It was so great to see her once again but this time, in my city! My abroad package from my frisbee team arrived as she did so we had fun opening it and then we had the full day ahead of us to explore the city! I brought her to La Boca by bus, so she could see some of the city and see, what I believe to be, the most touristy part of the city. We enjoyed a coffee and then got dropped off in Plaza de Mayo so I could show her the main plaza of the city. Afterwards, we took the subte back to my apartment and then walked down to the rose gardens. The sun was shining beautifully and it seriously was just so peaceful to sit by the lake and smell the fragrance of flowers in the air with one of my best friends. 

Purdy and I in the rose gardens!

Later that night, we went to the grocery store and got the ingredients for tacos! We skyped with some friends in New Zealand and Ireland while we prepared the tacos for our roommates. We inhaled dinner and then got dressed and ready to go out that night! My other friends were away that weekend so it was just my roommates and us. We applied some of the fake tattoos that were included in my frisbee package and headed out to one club we were on a list for down further in Palermo. Unfortunately, we could not find the street or the club so ended up walking to Niceto, a place we had been wanting to go for a while. It was tons of fun and we stayed out so late just dancing and having fun! The next day we slept until about 2 and finally headed out with a mission: to shop. We went to Recoleta and walked around the cemetery. Afterwards, we walked through the entire fair and Purdy picked up some mate bowls and a leather belt for herself. I got some gifts, too which I figured I should start getting serious about...which I did! After walking around the fair and enjoying some fresh fruit and oranje juice from the vendors we headed down to Plaza de Mayo to catch the start of the Gay Pride Parade! All day they had performers, an artisan market and just people dressed up in crazy costumes in the plaza. We caught the beginning of the parade down Avenida de Mayo which was absolutely hysterical. There were people, and I say people because I wasn't sure if they were a guy or a girl dressed in over the top costumes and others not dressed at all. There were large trucks that had no sides and just music blaring, lights flashing, and people dancing on them as they paraded down the street. Even the communist party showed their support for the Argentine gays with a large banner. One thing I don't love, is that people had graffitied the word GAY all over the Plaza, but luckily by Monday, almost all of it was gone, per usual. That night, we went out to a Vietnamese restaurant, Green Bamboo. We sat on the floor at a low table and enjoyed the thai/vietnamese fusion food. It was one of my favorite restaurants I've been to in BA! 

The following day, we had our last excursion planned by Expanish. It was a day at an estancia about two hours outside the city. An estancia is a ranch where they show you what gaucho life is like and people can just enjoy a day in the country and outside the city. We arrived and they had wine and empanadas for us, not a bad way to start off the day! It was a hot and sunny day, but the wind was nice except for the fact that it blew up all the dirt and dust onto us. I thought I got tan until I showered and realized it was just the dirt...bummer. Purdy and I rode horses around the estancia and toured the "museum" a.k.a. the house decorated from around 1900. Lunch was at 1:30 and included a huge asado that they had been preparing all day. We had wine, beer, water, bread, chori, steak, ribs, chicken, and an apple turnover for dessert. After we stuffed ourselves with meat, they had a tango show and gaucho show on the stage. It was really neat to see the gaucho show because I hadn't yet but you hear so much in Argentina about the importance of the gaucho. My big question is, how do little Argentine boys get involved in the gaucho life? It is something they want to be when they grow up or is it something you are born into? The world may never know. After the show, we headed outside to watch the horse show. The four gauchos, who also cooked, served, and cleaned up the lunch were on their horses and they did some tricks for us. One gaucho would set up a small metal ring on a pin and the others would come galloping with something that looked like a pen and they would have to get the hoop on the pen. It was interesting to say the least. After a bus ride back which resulted in a nap, we got back to the apartment and showered the dust off of us. Then Purdy and I went a few blocks down to Plaza Serrano to shop and see the artisan fair set up there. For dinner that night, we had ice cream :)

Estancia Santa Susana 

Monday was our last day together and it was pouring rain. This day was devoted to shopping! We headed down Calle Malabia and into Palermo Viejo to go to my favorite store and then to the other great leather shoe and handbag stores so Purdy could get gifts for her family for Christmas! She was quite successful and as was I! She also got some nice shoes for herself and we had lunch at Bblue. My favorite sandwich and smoothie place in BA. It is a cute cafe that always has fresh ingredients and delicious food! After shopping 'til we dropped, we headed back to the apartment and had some mate! I finally had some myself and not just sip of friends. Of course now, I am obsessed. I plan on bringing some bags of it back and hopefully the airport security won't think it's weed...which it really looks like. I called Purdy a cab and said goodbye to her with the excitement that I'd see her in a month in the States! Unfortunately, her flight was delayed several hours and she didn't get back to Santiago until 4 a.m....but hey, that's South America for ya. This week has been lots of research for my two papers, finishing my photo project for a class, and taking a final and I found out I passed a class! Next week is my last week of classes! Besos to all :)

Here is the link to my photography project! We had to pick a theme and have about 30 photos and music to go with the theme. My theme is life's journey/travel:

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